1. When songs are ruined for you by past relationships. Sometimes songs are made so much better by what you did while listening to them! This time, though, they just make you wince. I feel like every boy that comes through my life steals a few songs from me (or in some cases, whole artists and tv shows).
2. When you make a perfect lunch for work or travel mug of tea for the bus and then you leave it sitting on the kitchen counter.
3. When you realize you're kinda homesick for the exact things that made you want to leave your hometown in the first place. Sometimes that safeness and sameness and predictability seems really nice.
4. When you eat too much cotton candy.
5. When your roommates don't understand the concept of recycling. Paper. Does not. Go. In the. Garbage. There is a recycling bin right next to the garbage, even! I put a sign on it! Don't even get me started on composting.
6. Boys. All of them.
7. When you suddenly realize half-way through the day that you hate what you're wearing. And then you're stuck! Is this just me? Sometimes I let myself out of the house in the craziest shit. When I first leave it kind of makes me giggle about how crazy I look and then reality slowly sets in.
8. When your mom is right. She always is. It sucks.
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