Tuesday, 28 February 2012


Hello world!

I apologize (again) for being rather lackadaisical about actually updating this baby.  When internet costs ten dollars an hour somehow there are more important things to do that update a blog.  However!  I got up at 5.30 this morning so I could call Halifax (long story) and now I have FIVE HOURS FOR FIVE DOLLARS.  Hello, early morning special!

Jessica and I just got back from a week in and around Melbourne.  We spent five days on a farm and did so many funny things.

1. I got chased around a muddy pond in my bikini by a herd of beef cattle intent on the basket of plums I was carrying.  Literally chased.  There are pictures.

2. We wrangled sheep for quite some time.  Sheep wrangling is really fun when you have no idea what you're doing.  "Maybe if we just sprint towards them they'll scare in the direction we want them to go."  The English guy wwoofing with us knew how to herd geese (?) so we used some of those tactics too.  By the end of the week we were/are basically sheep whisperers.

3. We had our plates licked clean at the dinner table by a gigantic white horse that wanders around the outside of the house at will.

4. We slept outside on a fold out bed and stared at the milky way all night long. 

5. We got dirtier than I have ever been in my life.

6. The woman that owns the farm has the exact same hair as me.  This is crazy!  No one has the exact same hair as me.  ...except now someone does.  We have pictures of this, too.

I can't wait to share some pictures with y'all, but we haven't found wifi to use Jessica's computer to upload them yet, so you'll have to sit tight.  There are some winners, I promise. 

If you're reading this, I probably miss you.  I hope you're all doing well!

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Narooma Rhumba

I am so sorry!  I have been the worst blog mama.  I have excuses though: Australia is seriously lacking in the wifi department.  This is the first time I have been on the internet in a WEEK.  Panic mode!

Okay.  As some of you may know, Jessica and I have been helping out on a farm in Narooma, New South Wales for the last two weeks.  It's been a little crazy. 

We have:
-watched for three hours as five fully-grown adults try to force a tiny horse to walk across a wooden bridge.  Never underestimate the stubborness of a fat pony.
-ridden in a motorcycle sidecar along the coastline in the sunshine.
-dragon-boated on the wagonga inlet with a bunch of old people preparing for a race.
-seen a spider so big it made me cry.  It was, in all fairness, palm-sized.
-picked up so many sticks I want to die.  We both want to die.  No more sticks ever.
-hiked to the top of mt. dromedary, which is supposed to take five hours.  We're pretty bad-ass so we did it in 3.5 hours.  Not like it's a big deal or anything.
-perfected our barbequing skills.

It's been kind of absurd and I think we're both ready to move on.  While quiet farm life is okay for a bit, we are, essentially, middle-sized city party girls.  Tomorrow we're back to Sydney and back to life as we don't know it. 

I miss you all!