Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Narooma Rhumba

I am so sorry!  I have been the worst blog mama.  I have excuses though: Australia is seriously lacking in the wifi department.  This is the first time I have been on the internet in a WEEK.  Panic mode!

Okay.  As some of you may know, Jessica and I have been helping out on a farm in Narooma, New South Wales for the last two weeks.  It's been a little crazy. 

We have:
-watched for three hours as five fully-grown adults try to force a tiny horse to walk across a wooden bridge.  Never underestimate the stubborness of a fat pony.
-ridden in a motorcycle sidecar along the coastline in the sunshine.
-dragon-boated on the wagonga inlet with a bunch of old people preparing for a race.
-seen a spider so big it made me cry.  It was, in all fairness, palm-sized.
-picked up so many sticks I want to die.  We both want to die.  No more sticks ever.
-hiked to the top of mt. dromedary, which is supposed to take five hours.  We're pretty bad-ass so we did it in 3.5 hours.  Not like it's a big deal or anything.
-perfected our barbequing skills.

It's been kind of absurd and I think we're both ready to move on.  While quiet farm life is okay for a bit, we are, essentially, middle-sized city party girls.  Tomorrow we're back to Sydney and back to life as we don't know it. 

I miss you all!

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