Friday, 30 September 2011


1. I'm writing my LSAT tomorrow, and I have to get up at 5.30 to drive to Kamloops, so I'm... adjusting the lay-out of my shitty little blog? Really great use of time. Anyways, I changed the title font up there and now it won't change back, so we're stuck ponyboy for a couple of days. Why is blogger so terrible? Also can we discuss how they changed the whole 'new post' window and made it way more difficult to do anything? You used to be able caption pictures. I do not understand, blogger.

2. "U know u koo when u drinkin bombay and its not even the weekend." Just a little piece of advice I picked up from youtube comments the other day. Yours for the taking, if you want to be koo or whatever.

3. OMG I am stress eating every type of sugary food in my house. Have you been to my house? Sugary food: apples and peaches. So, lots of those. And some grapes. The other day I went to pick grapes and there was a drowned squirrel in the rain barrel so I'm off-ish grapes. A bit. Funny story, right?

4. I promise soon I'll write something with purpose. You know. Beginning, middle, and end or whatever. NARRATIVE STRUCTURE. For now, les familias de la tincan heart, you'll just have to read my meanderings. Goodnight and good luck with your own procrastination attempts.

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