1. text a girl back. If one of your friends texts you, text them back within a few hours. Really, it won't kill you.
2. stop comparing yourself. You're not a gigantic freak. You would never to speak to someone else the way you speak to yourself. Why is it okay to be cruel to your number one?
3. wear a helmet. Head injuries don't look good on anyone. I refuse to bow to what's somehow cool or whatever. I make my own cool.
4. read books. Making a funny joke like "omg I like totally don't read" makes you look less than intellectual. Sorry! Get a read on.
5. give compliments when they're due. And receive them graciously. Turning down a compliment just insults the giver's taste and forces them to awkwardly insist on it.
6. don't preach. I know you're all about your new diet, but I really don't care to hear about it, and I almost certainly don't want to try it.
7. don't ask others to preach. As in, don't harass vegetarians about their reasons for not eating meat and don't get all up in people's grills about the significance of their tattoos. Sure, ask, but don't challenge them on their reasons.
8. chill the fuck out. Chances are whatever you're worried about right now DOES NOT MATTER. Big picture, everyone.
9. don't insult my friends to me. I'm not going to talk shit about my girls, so don't try to get me to. Also, if I invited him to my party, that means I like him.
10. be who you are. I am ferocious. Who are you?
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