Thursday, 10 November 2011

celebrities I am having nothing to do with based on their faces.

1. Carrie Underwood.  She has that classic high school bitch face.  You know she was popular, and you know she was boring about it. 

she's waiting for the right moment to talk shit about you.
2. Nicolas Cage.  Everyone who is anyone hates Nick Cage.  Hating Nicolas Cage is the new black.  I heard that everyone in every obscure band ever hates Nicolas Cage.

this man named his child kal-el.
3. Taylor Momsen.  This one might be kind of obscure to some of you, but she is really horrid.  She's like sixteen or something and is always being incredibly rude in interviews.  You think you're too good for TMZ, Momsen?!  She got fired from Gossip Girl, and that cannot be an easy task.

4. Kesha!  I just want to wash her face and tell her that whatever is happening with her look is actually not happening.  To pull off dirty-hot, you first need to be incredibly hot.  You can't pull of dirty-hot when you're only kind of pretty!  GIRL.  Pull yourself together!  (Also, I'm a real sucker for your music.  Kisses!)
Okay, y'all can see what I'm saying, right?

5. Okay.  Please don't try to fight me, but I really don't like Joseph Gordan-Levitt.  He just seems like such a smug little bastard.  I am taking a stand against the women of the world!  I disapprove!

I don't date boys!  Only men!  This is a boy!  Right!?

Okay so who do y'all have nothing to do with based on their faces?  Blog about it!  I'm looking at you, neverthreemuch.

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