Wednesday, 23 November 2011

I love facemasks!

How often do you actually take the time to use a facemask?  Or have a bubble bath?  Or use a facemask and then take pictures of yourself?  Or have a bubble bath and use a bath bomb at the same time?!  BATH COCKTAIL.

It's November, which means pretty much everyone is sad.  EVERYONE IS SAD RIGHT NOW.  It is grey.  It is cold.  Cozy winter still feels far away, and pretty fall is behind us.  YOU ARE SAD AND I AM SAD.  I need a drink, but I don't feel like going downstairs for the splash of water I need for my scotch. 


Anyways, if you're in that kinda mood, I definitely recommend using some bath products.  Roll up to your local lush or body shop or whatever and stock up.  You will suddenly have crazy eyes in a happy way.  Happy crazy eyes.  AND THEN YOU WILL BE HAPPIER THAN PEOPLE USUALLY ARE IN NOVEMBER.

And then you will write a blog post with too many capitals and it will be kind of embarrassing and you'll publish it anyways.  Fuck november, right?

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